The Quality of Candidates in Ghana…

…is very high!

I have just completed nine days of back-to-back candidate interviews for three very different positions and now when I look back on these and the previous several hundred that I have conducted both in Ghana and around the world, a resounding truth is very clear…

Ghanaian executives (at all levels, across all sectors and from all disciplines and backgrounds) who present themselves for an interview for a new role are, virtually without exception, outstandingly professional. Moreover, they are a pleasure to spend time with.

I have been fortunate to work with a very wide range of nationalities in an equally wide range of locations from Romania and Hungary to India, Russia to Thailand, Brazil to Singapore, the UK to West & South Africa and more besides, but nowhere does the general approach and attitude of a candidate shine brighter than in Ghana. It is really quite astonishing how noticeably different their professionalism is, and I am full of praise and admiration for them all.

From first contact (either through an application for a vacancy or as a speculative submission of their CV) to the point at which a decision is made on a job they have applied for, the communications, responses and follow-up conversations or emails are precise, punctual, polite, informative, friendly and, most refreshingly, appreciative.

Nowhere else that I have provided my #ExecutiveSearch services do so many candidates that have been rejected for a role contact me to say, “thank you!”. Only in Ghana, do serious job seekers (certainly at the executive level) express such thanks to somebody in my profession. And it is testimony to their upbringing, their naturally warm nature and their understanding of the recruitment process that the business climate in Ghana is evolving. It is exceedingly rare in the other areas globally where I have satisfied my client’s requirements for high calibre talent that a candidate (even a successful one!) actually acknowledges the part I play in the “recruitment process” let alone thank me for it.

So, I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the candidates that I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting here in Ghana and to offer a BIG congratulations to every one of you for your enthusiasm, attentiveness, gratitude and, above all else, your professionalism.

It bodes well for the future of Ghana that these professionals are filling positions of authority and in so doing nurturing and developing the people for whom, and with whom, they are working and interacting. Whilst there is still a need here (as there is in the majority of the world and in most sectors) for imported expertise, expatriates and certain industry leaders, generally speaking the quality of the workforce in Ghana is highly skilled, adaptable, intelligent and more than capable. And it’s getting better. Noticeably. Year-on-year.

These are difficult times economically in Ghana and the region, and employers still have much to do if they want to catch up and align with international trends, standards, policies and, importantly, salaries and working conditions. But these efforts and initiatives designed to bring about essential change and market improvement can only be successful with the direct support and involvement of a quality workforce and management structure.

It is therefore extremely encouraging that the current and upcoming executive generations are so superbly focused, motivated and determined. For sure, lessons can be learnt from businesses in “the West” and increasingly many of the candidates I meet with have experience and qualifications gained from abroad thus adding majorly to the advantages they can bring to an employer here in Ghana, but beyond experience and qualification there are other inherent qualities seemingly unique to the executive candidate in #Ghana: Their initiative, objectivity, confidence, acumen and competence. And their appreciation for opportunity.

Bravo to all my candidates. Employers would do well to let me find them the talent they need – because I know for a fact that the talent is here!

Contact DWR to arrange a meeting to discuss your company’s talent acquisition requirements and how to tackle them properly, cost effectively and professionally.

Email: [email protected]

Ghana Tel: +233 (0) 202 800 466

WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7835 396 349

For details on me, DWR, my services, the way I approach my work, and an explanation on the fee structure (heavily discounted for new clients during 2024!), please refer to the various articles in the DWR Newsletter, the DWR Executive Group page or my LinkedIn profile.

DWR Executive and Expatriate Search – Ghana, Nigeria & West Africa offers a bespoke, confidential and personalised service aimed at companies who take their recruitment needs seriously and understand the value of an outsourced provider of professional services.

DWR Executive Search – Ghana, Nigeria & West Africa.

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